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Out of luck in a sentence

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Sentence count:49+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: luckpluckluckyin luckpluckypluck upunluckyluckily
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1. You're out of luck. She's not here.
2. The team were out of luck again at Scarborough on Saturday.
3. We're out of luck. The store's closed.Sentence dictionary
4. Others just continued borrowing until they ran out of luck or excuses.
5. It looks like we're out of luck - all the hotels are full.
6. The crook was given a reference but ran out of luck when his new bosses caught him fiddling £60 million.
7. I'm afraid you're out of luck. The director has already left for the day.
8. You are out of luck!
9. I am out of luck these days.
10. Armour says:" I will be out of luck."
11. Ledbetter was out of luck.
12. Out of luck,[] they struggle barn door.
13. Everybody else is out of luck.
14. He's been out of luck recently!
15. Since it's on t Tuesday, we're out of luck.
16. But if not, you are out of luck.
17. If we forget it, we're out of luck.
18. You might be out of luck.
19. He has been out of luck recently, out of luck recently.
20. You're out of luck. Thespys dress up last bus left half an hour ago.
21. I had hoped there would be another train, but I was out of luck.
22. When we at last reached the railway station, we were out of luck. The train had gone.
23. Once I get on to a good thing I keep it going until I run out of luck.
24. If Social Services is low on money, the child could be out of luck.
25. If your application materials don't command immediate attention, you could be out of luck.
26. What do you want, Roy? If it's money, you're out of luck.
27. Thus, if your second call depends on your first one finishing first, you may be out of luck.
28. If Friday on the 13 th and coincidence and that is a big day out of luck.
29. When your opponent doesn't have a Gravity Stabilizer, they are out of luck.
30. For those wanting to pirate PSP games you will be out of luck .
More similar words: luckpluckluckyin luckpluckypluck upunluckyluckilyfluctuatefluctuationhappy-go-luckyout ofcutoffput offcut offthe cost of livingget out ofout of itrun out ofcome out ofout of debtout of orderout of datewalk out ofout of tunekeep out ofout of syncout of workout of favourout of touch
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